Lang Lang Arts Foundation donated a music classroom to Fang Yonggang School on Thanksgiving Day
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Browse Times:


On the occasion of Thanksgiving Day 2019, Lang Lang Arts Foundation and Mr. Liu Chengmin, a distinguished alumnus of Fang Yonggang School and Chairman of Zhuiyuan Ventures, sent a special gift to the school, a 'Keys of Joy' music classroom.

拳拳之心报桑梓 莘莘学子话感恩——感恩节之际,郎朗艺术基金会为方永刚学校捐赠音乐教室

On Nov. 26, a donation ceremony with the theme of 'Thanksgiving' was held at Fang Yonggang School. The donation ceremony not only marked the formal completion of the new music classroom, but also brought a vivid lesson of gratitude to the children.



拳拳之心报桑梓 莘莘学子话感恩——感恩节之际,郎朗艺术基金会为方永刚学校捐赠音乐教室

▲ Mr. Liu Chengmin and Ms. Song Saisai delivered a plaque to Mr. Liu Guotian, principal of Fang Yonggang School

The students expressed their welcome and thanks to the guests with their well-prepared performance.

拳拳之心报桑梓 莘莘学子话感恩——感恩节之际,郎朗艺术基金会为方永刚学校捐赠音乐教室

▲Students dance performance 'the Heart of Gratitude'

The spirit of gratitude and dedication has a special meaning for Fang Yonggang School. Fang Yonggang, an outstanding alumnus of the school, donated teaching buildings for the school, which greatly improved the teaching conditions of the school. Now, Mr. Liu Chengmin continues to inherit the grateful culture of his Alma mater, reciprocating the cultivation of his hometown and setting an example for his schoolmates junior.

On this day full of love, Lang Lang Art Foundation hopes to share the joy of gratitude with all the partners who support the development of the Foundation and care about the art education of Chinese children. We will continue to move toward our mission firmly with your support!

拳拳之心报桑梓 莘莘学子话感恩——感恩节之际,郎朗艺术基金会为方永刚学校捐赠音乐教室