Journey of love to Sichuan and Tibet
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为了让更多藏区孩子获得专业的音乐教育,今年10月,郎朗艺术基金会带着“快乐的琴键”音乐教室,走进西藏自治区拉萨市、林芝市、日喀则市、昌都市,和四川省阿坝州汶川县、雅安市的九所学校,帮助他们改善音乐教学条件,提高音乐教学水平,为这里的藏族羌族等少数民族孩子、特殊儿童插上音乐梦想的翅膀。In order to improve the quality of music education in Sichuan-Tibet region, in October 2020, Lang Lang Arts Foundation brought 'Keys of Joy' music classroom to 9 schools in Lhasa, Nyingchi, Xigaze and Qamdo in Tibet Autonomous Region, and Wenchuan and Yaan in Sichuan Province.

On the morning of October 8, the donation ceremony of 'Keys of Joy' music classrooms was held at Yingxiu Middle School in Wenchuan. International piano master Lang Lang attended the ceremony and gave a wonderful performance together with the teachers and students of the school. In this place of rebirth, love and gratitude make this land full of vitality and hope.

川藏爱心公益行 捐赠9间“快乐的琴键”音乐教室

The nine donated schools include Lhasa Special Education School, Lulang Town Central Primary School, Qiangna Town Central Primary School, Jiding Town Central Primary School, Ranwu Town Central Primary School, Wenchuan Yingxiu Middle School, Wenchuan County Special Education School, Ya 'an Yucheng Primary School and Ya 'an Xindian Town Central Primary School. There are many ethnic minority students in these schools who are good at singing and dancing, and many of them have shown their musical talent since childhood.

At the donation ceremony, students from Qiangna Town Primary School in Tibet performed a dance with Tibetan characteristics, showing the rich ethnic culture.

川藏爱心公益行 捐赠9间“快乐的琴键”音乐教室

Teachers and students from Wenchuan Special Education School performed the song and dance 'Motherland I Want to Tell You Quietly' to express their love and blessings for the motherland.

川藏爱心公益行 捐赠9间“快乐的琴键”音乐教室

Lang Lang played the 'Four Cygnets Waltz' with the student of Qiang nationality. He encouraged the student to keep working hard and grow up happily with the music.

川藏爱心公益行 捐赠9间“快乐的琴键”音乐教室

After the donation ceremony, Lang Lang came to Wenchuan Special Education School and gave the children their first piano lesson. The children couldn't help clapping with the happy melody. 'Although the children here are defective in some ways, they are very receptive to music and have a strong learning ability, which surprised me,' Lang Lang said in an interview.

There are two special education schools among the 9 donated schools. Music plays an important role in the physical and mental development of the visually impaired, mentally retarded students and other special groups of children. It can help them open their inner world, acquire skills, better integrate into social life, and make their lives shine differently.

川藏爱心公益行 捐赠9间“快乐的琴键”音乐教室

The donation ceremony was broadcast live on CCTV news, Weibo, Kuaishou and other Internet platforms. The live video has been watched by a total of 730,000 people, which is a successful attempt of the charitable live broadcast. In addition, the People's Daily Online, Tibet Daily, Sichuan Online and other dozens of media have carried reports on the event.

The year 2020 is a decisive year in the country's battle against poverty. It is believed that music education will become more and more important in the near future.

川藏爱心公益行 捐赠9间“快乐的琴键”音乐教室