Lang Lang Arts Foundation, together with Pechoin Group, donated a music classroom in Lankao
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Browse Times:


On the morning of September 11, 2020, the donation ceremony of 'Keys of Joy' music classroom was held in Xinghua Bilingual School of Guyang Town. Guests from Pechoin Group, Lang Lang Arts Foundation, Lankao County Education and Sports Bureau and the township government attended the ceremony.


Xinghua Bilingual School, a rural primary school, is located in Guyang Town, Lankao County, Henan Province. The school is close to Xuchang Ethnic Musical Instrument Village, where most of the villagers are engaged in making traditional Musical Instruments such as guqin and zither. Influenced by the local cultural industry, many children in the school can play folk music, but have little exposure to Western instruments such as the piano.


▲ 看到钢琴的到来,孩子们好奇地挤在音乐教室门口

After the donation ceremony, the guests went to the brand new music room to attend the children's first piano music lesson here. The donated 'Keys of Joy' music classroom is equipped with 16 intelligent pianos, each of which is equipped with a screen. The built-in intelligent teaching software can better guide students to learn happily step by step, and assist and facilitate teachers.

The students attentively followed the dancing notes on the screen and hit a simple melody under the guidance of the teacher. Easy and lively cartoon interface, games and other forms of interactive teaching make repetitive exercises become interesting.


▲ Children sit in the newly decorated 'Keys of Joy' music classroom


▲ Children learned fingering following the teacher's instructions

In addition to the donation of specialized teaching equipment, the 'Keys of Joy' Music Classroom program also includes a series of teacher training, and music communication activities. On the morning of September 9th, the teachers of Xinghua Bilingual School had their first piano teaching training in the music classroom. In the future, the Foundation will continue to follow up with the donated schools and provide teaching support services to promote the teaching quality of the schools and the personal development of the teachers.


▲ Teachers from Xinghua Bilingual School attend a piano teaching training